Official educational institution, with an academic modality that encourages the development of lines of research that strengthen secondary education and allow the projection towards higher education. Guiding actions aimed at the formation of a human being with critical, autonomous and purposeful thinking, through the development of civic and academic competencies.
The Quiroga Alianza IED school, by the year 2022, will be a leading institution at the local level, recognized for its work around the development of citizenship skills, based on the various areas of knowledge and reflected in graduates with the ability to positively transform their environment.
Los egresados del colegio Quiroga Alianza tendrán las siguientes características:
● Serán capaces de orientar su proyecto de vida con sentido de transformación personal y de su entorno social.
● Podrán adaptarse a las necesidades del siglo XXI, aportando a la generación de sociedades justas, pacíficas y sostenibles, desde el respeto.
● Tendrán formación ambiental lo que les permitirá tomar decisiones responsables sobre el cuidado de su entorno.
● Tendrán los conocimientos y habilidades para optar por una educación superior y/o post-media de calidad.